What Parents Need to Know about Spring Semester Blues

What Parents Need to Know about Spring Semester Blues

As an educator, there is a lot to love about the spring semester. First, there’s the weather. It is bound to be sunnier and warmer in May than it was in January. Second, there’s the steadier rhythm of the ups and downs of classes, activities, and special...
Worried About Affording College? Follow These 6 Steps.
High School

Worried About Affording College? Follow These 6 Steps.

Worried about how you are going to afford college? You are not alone and I am here to share with you the first steps in making the process as painless as possible. Can it be painfree? No, I cannot guarantee you that, but I can provide you with a checklist of steps...
Does Your Student Have a Mindset for Success?

Does Your Student Have a Mindset for Success?

I am not good at math. The professor doesn’t like me. This is hard and I don’t want to try any more. I will never get better at writing. I don’t like the course and have no use for it in what I want to do with my life. It is not unusual to hear...
What Your Student Needs: Tips for Each College Year

What Your Student Needs: Tips for Each College Year

A colleague who is also a therapist told me a few months ago that the sophomore year, specifically the spring semester, is the hardest for many college students. “Why?” I asked, even though I had my suspicions. She said that after three semesters of...