Your College Freshman (Most Likely, Very Probably) Is Okay: What Parents Need to Know
At my institution, fall break is over and mid-term grades have been submitted. My students should have a good idea if they are doing okay or not. That is why I asked them in their latest journal to tell me what is going on, more specifically, how have they changed in...
High School
Money Matters: Starting the Conversation about Costs of College with Your Student
Relationship experts say that most couples argue–and break up–over money issues. Talking about money as it relates to attending college, I can tell you from personal experience, can also make your kids want to walk out the door. Or at least storm up to...
Quick Tips for Top Grades on Exams
Few things strike fear in the hearts of students more than “And don’t forget that you have a final exam.” Well, maybe “Sorry, but there is no wifi,” may be a scarier statement for most students, but we faculty know that students look upon...
Stop the March Madness: Helping Your Student Find a Tutor and Finish Strong!
March is usually the time when students start staring out the window, either thinking about what they could be doing in the warmer weather or they are making plans for the upcoming break. In short, other things more pleasurable seem to capture students’...