Now Is the Time to Check in With Your College Student

Now Is the Time to Check in With Your College Student

I have been good, really I have. I text my college freshman every few days and I only see her briefly when I get to attend one of her local soccer games. I thought I was doing great not hovering until she told me that I was texting too much. Really? Three texts a week...
Expert Tips for Writing That First College Paper
High School / College

Expert Tips for Writing That First College Paper

I’ve worked in university writing centers for almost 20 years, and each fall, a few weeks into the semester, we see a huge spike in appointments. This is mostly due to first-year students panicking about writing their first “college” papers. Many are stressed out that...
Making the Most of Parents’ Weekend

Making the Most of Parents’ Weekend

Well, we did it. My husband and I managed to drop my daughter off at college two weeks ago. There were no tears–on either of our parts–but perhaps it was the humidity that kept us sweating instead of crying. Or perhaps we felt good knowing that her...
What Are You Going to Do with THAT?
High School / College / Career

What Are You Going to Do with THAT?

One of my favorite parts of my job is talking to students about what they want to major in and what they want to do with that degree. In some ways, I envy the multitude of possibilities that my young students have, but I also recall the sweaty-palms anxiety of having...