Practical, Passionate, or Purposeful? How Is Your Student Deciding on a Major?
Many students struggle with choosing a major that really fits what they think they want. And we college staff don’t make it easy for them once they get to us. At some institutions, we often implore them to make a decision before they are sophomores. Some...
High School / College
7 Tips for Discussing Health Matters with Your Student Before They Head (Back) to College
I wrote about this topic last fall as I was preparing for my oldest offspring to head to college. After reading everything I could on making sure that her transition is relatively smooth, I ran across a posting from a mom on a website devoted to sharing stories about...
High School / College
10 Habits of Mind for Success In College and Life
Each fall, millions of students arrive at colleges to begin their first-year transition. Although some will find this transition to be seamless, the majority will encounter some academic, social, emotional, or intellectual challenges that they will need to resolve....