Many parents spend lots of money and time getting their high school student ready to go to college, and most of that time is preparing for admission and perhaps even earning a top scholarship. Little, if any time, is devoted to preparing for the transition...
I was speaking to a friend of mine whose daughter Amanda is away at college for her freshman year. When she spoke to Amanda the other night, it sounded like academics had really taken a back seat and that her daughter’s life revolves around a variety of activities at...
“I know I should go talk to him,” a student said a few weeks ago when she asked my advice about emailing a professor because she was having difficulty in his class. “But I am so tired of ‘adulting’ this week. I have had to be an adult...
At my institution, fall break is over and mid-term grades have been submitted. My students should have a good idea if they are doing okay or not. That is why I asked them in their latest journal to tell me what is going on, more specifically, how have they changed in...
Relationship experts say that most couples argue–and break up–over money issues. Talking about money as it relates to attending college, I can tell you from personal experience, can also make your kids want to walk out the door. Or at least storm up to...