Balancing Act?
I was speaking to a friend of mine whose daughter Amanda is away at college for her freshman year. When she spoke to Amanda the other night, it sounded like academics had really taken a back seat and that her daughter’s life revolves around a variety of activities at...
High School / College
5 “Adulting” Skills Your Student Needs Before College
“I know I should go talk to him,” a student said a few weeks ago when she asked my advice about emailing a professor because she was having difficulty in his class. “But I am so tired of ‘adulting’ this week. I have had to be an adult...
Your College Freshman (Most Likely, Very Probably) Is Okay: What Parents Need to Know
At my institution, fall break is over and mid-term grades have been submitted. My students should have a good idea if they are doing okay or not. That is why I asked them in their latest journal to tell me what is going on, more specifically, how have they changed in...