High School / College
Endings and Beginnings During a Crisis
Depending on your student’s circumstances, you have either made it to the end of a semester or you are almost there. Congratulations! Who knew that two months ago we would be living so differently and making drastic changes to our plans for school, summer,...
Stay Safe & Stay Organized: Tips for Making It through the Semester
About two weeks ago, my students and I were reviewing a recent test to prepare for a second one in which they were to change a study habit. Even though I briefly discussed with them what we would do if we were to move online, I had no idea that we had just had our...
What to Do When You Want to Know Your Student’s Grades
“How’s it going this semester?” “Fine. Okay, I guess.” “What does that mean? Are you doing well in your classes?” “Yes, I am doing well. At least I think I am doing well. Well, I hope so, at least.” This is an...