Is Your College Student Feeling the Sophomore Slump?
“College sophomores are in a tough spot,” a mental health counselor recently told me. “The reasons are many, but they often revolve around making decisions about their future and they feel conflicted.” It makes sense: The newness of college has...
To Work or Not to Work? That Is the Question for College Students
Conventional wisdom goes something like this: Some work is good for college students, but too much work can make it harder for them to focus on their classes and ultimately graduate. Most colleges and universities stick by the recommendation that 10-20 hours a week...
What Students Say about the First Year of College: Part II
In my last blog, I wrote about what students say about the first year of college based on the themes that I have discovered in their written responses over my past four years at a university. These themes–seven in total–have come from careful reading of...
What College Students Say about the First Year
Recently, I was invited to present at a conference for academic administrators and was told that I could speak on anything that related to my work with first-year students. I realized that over the past 20 years, I have had a unique opportunity to listen to what...