High School / College / Career
7 Tips for Students with Summer Jobs
It’s about that time: Summer job time, that is. In just a few weeks, high school and college students will be looking for and filling short-term jobs that can help them earn some money before classes start again in the fall. From lifeguard to office assistant,...
High School / College
What Students and Parents Need to Know about Plagiarism
The word plagiarism just sounds bad, doesn’t it? Like a skin disease or an ancient legal tactic used by the merchant class during the Middle Ages. For high school and college students, the word seems to conjure fear more than anything else. Plagiarism is often...
High School / College
Study Smarter, Not Harder: High School to College Study Tips
What college freshmen tell me: “I didn’t have to study in high school because I could listen in class and do well on tests.” Yes, it is true. There are many students who get to college knowing that they rarely had to study to make A’s and...
High School / College
What Your Student Wants You to Know When They Fail
A semester doesn’t go by without my having to talk a student through a failure. As a professor and a department chair, I have counseled all kinds of students with all kinds of issues: a failed test or two that has jeopardized their overall grade, a plagiarized...